360° Feedback

    360° Feedback

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    Annual performance reviews can be painstaking, ineffective activities that produce limited results, for a variety of reasons, including:

    • Poor people skills at management level and an inadequate understanding of the issues affecting staff
    • An inability to set and monitor meaningful, achievable objectives
    • A lack of leadership skills – no motivation, no inspiration
    • Cynicism

    It can be more effective to elicit performance feedback from people across the organisation (360 degrees), rather than adopting the ‘boss-assesses-staff’ approach. While the manager’s view is important, peers and reports often give the most accurate capability assessments, providing valuable insight into strengths and weaknesses, ‘warts and all’.

    TSOC provides bespoke 360° feedback programmes to support performance management, core leadership-development programmes, top-team building initiatives, and executive business coaching.

    We collect data from peers, reports, managers and even clients, and feedback the anonymous results. This can be a painful exercise for some, as the feedback is accurate and honest; we use senior coaches, face-to-face, to help the client celebrate their strengths and address development areas.

    Results of this work help to motivate change, and contribute to personal development plans.

    We advise when, where, and how to adopt a 360° feedback mechanism. Where an off-the-shelf solution does not fit – the client needs an intelligent, tailored solution as part of a wider programme – we:

    • Customise questionnaires for your company, taking into account your culture, your leadership profile and your competency framework, as appropriate
    • Tailor the 360° process to your needs, offering you the option to provide feedback online, through paper-based forms, or by phone interview
    • Plan and pilot your 360° programme
    • Turn your raw data into effective reports and present the results face-to-face, using skilled and experienced coaches

    We develop programmes designed to effect change.